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Why Is There a Lawsuit Against Essure?

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In recent years, there has been a growing number of lawsuits against Bayer, the manufacturer behind the permanent birth control procedure Essure.

Essure is a popular form of birth control but there has been many cases where women have suffered harmful effects that have had a negative impact on their physical health.

Why Are Women Filing Essure Lawsuits?

Essure has been marketed as a safe and harmless form of permanent birth control. However, women who have suffered severe side effects from the metal coils, have filed personal injury claims against Bayer.

In 2002, the FDA approved Essure and thousands of American women have been using it to prevent pregnancies. But there have been cases where women have suffered extreme pain, the metal coils have migrated away from the fallopian tubes, organs have been perforated and in some cases, there has been no other choice but to do a complete hysterectomy.

Women who have recently filed lawsuits, have claimed they feel Bayer failed to warn them of the serious risks an Essure implant can cause. They also feel that some doctors were not sufficiently trained on how to perform an Essure procedure. In some cases, some people felt they were pressured into getting the device.

The side effects of Essure has not just been physical, it has also had a negative influence on homelife, marriage and careers.

A procedure that was marketed as a safe form of permanent birth control has had life-changing and life-threatening results.

Who Is Eligible for Making a Lawsuit Against Essure?

While there are many side effects of having an Essure procedure, you can only be eligible for filing a lawsuit against Essure if you’ve suffered specific side effects.

If you or a loved one has suffered complications from their Essure coil, such as the coils had to be removed because they migrated or perforated an organ and a complete hysterectomy had to be done as a result, then you could make a claim against Essure.

Bayer did not reveal the severe potential risks of having the procedure. In February 2016, the FDA announced that Essure would have to make changes to its product labelling and include a black box warning that highlights all the risks of the device, so women and doctors understand the risks before having the procedure.

But adding the black box warning is too late for women who have already had an Essure implant procedure and experienced serious complications.

Can I File a Claim?

If your Essure implant has migrated or caused serious internal damage which has resulted in you having a hysterectomy, you could file a lawsuit against Bayer, the manufacturers of Essure. Why should you suffer the consequences when you were not informed of the potential risks beforehand? Our team of personal injury attorneys at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC, have worked on Product Liability, Dangerous Drugs and Medical Malpractice cases. With over 35 years experience, we can assist you in making a claim against Essure. We’ve helped clients achieve multi-million compensation amounts and we can help you too.

If you’re not sure whether you can file a lawsuit, then complete this form and send it to us: we can determine whether you have a case.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
