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Who Is at Risk of Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer?

Woman holding her head

As there are more and more women winning talcum powder lawsuits against Johnson and Johnson, there is a growing concern that talcum powder ovarian cancer is a high risk for women who regularly use baby powder on the genital area over many years.

Does Talcum Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?

Studies have suggested that talcum based products can cause cancer, if talcum powder particles travel from the vagina and reach the ovaries. In some research studies, some women who had ovarian cancer had talcum particles in the cancerous cells after they regularly used baby powder.

There are other studies that claim there is inconclusive evidence to argue talcum powder causes cancer. However, some juries in the US, have agreed there is evidence to suggest there is a link between J&J talcum powder and ovarian cancer.

It is important to look at each case independently.

Who Is at Risk of Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer?

Hundreds of women have come forward to file lawsuits against Johnson and Johnson, and there is a growing concern that there are more women who have been affected by talcum powder but have decided not to take legal action or have not been diagnosed yet.

Who Has a Higher Risk of Developing Ovarian Cancer Caused by Talcum Powder?

Women over 40

Many of the women who have filed talcum powder lawsuits are over 40. This is because using talc based products does not cause immediate damage, it has to be used for a long time. Jackie Fox, who died of ovarian cancer, claimed she had been using J&J Shower to Shower for over thirty years.

Women Who Use Talcum Powder Regularly

Women who regularly used Johnson and Johnson talcum powder on their genital area could be at a higher risk. Some studies claim the continued use of talc products for feminine hygiene increases the chances of talcum powder entering your body and into the ovaries. Women who have filed lawsuits, have claimed they used talcum powder directly on the genital area and/or sprinkled it onto their underwear for years as part of their daily routine.

At the moment, it seems only women have been negatively affected by long-term use of talcum powder, not men.

What to Do Next if You Have Ovarian Cancer and You Believe It Has Been Caused by Continued Talcum Powder Use?

If you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and you believe it has been caused by talcum powder, you could be eligible to file a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson.

In recent cases, women have claimed J&J failed to warn consumers of the potential risks even though they were aware of the dangers. Evidence suggests J&J were told talcum powder could cause ovarian cancer and yet they chose their profits over the interests of their customers.

By filing a lawsuit you can claim compensation for the injuries and financial loss you have suffered. It is an opportunity for you to warn other people of the potential risks.

Our Personal Injury Attorneys at Coxwell & Associates, Pllc, Are Here to Help

When filing a lawsuit against a company like Johnson & Johnson, you need an attorney who has the experience and talent to stand up and argue your case effectively in court.

At Coxwell & Associates, our team has worked on many high profile cases and helped our clients achieve compensation for the injuries and damages they’ve suffered. With over thirty years’ experience, we are excellently versed in personal injury law. Contact our team to speak to them about your case.

It’s Free to Find Out if You’re Eligible to File a Talcum Powder Lawsuit

Find out if you’re eligible to file a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. There’s a strict screening criteria on who can file a claim so it’s important to find out if you’re eligible.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
