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Domestic Violence in the News Highlights Problems

Stressed man

Domestic violence is a pattern or coercive behavior, used by one person in order to gain control and power over another person. Despite the fact that stories of domestic violence have flooded the news over the past few years, few of us realize the magnitude of the problem.

Domestic violence includes one or more of the following:

  • Isolation
  • Sexual assault
  • Destruction of personal property
  • Animal cruelty
  • Verbal threats
  • Verbal abuse
  • Economic control
  • Harm to children
  • Emotional intimidation
  • Physical violence
  • Psychological intimidation
  • Stalking

The CDCs Statistics on Domestic Violence

The Centers for Disease Control have determined that one in three women who are the victim of homicide are killed by an intimate partner. Further, one in four women has experienced sexual violence by a domestic partner at some point in their life. Equally startling is the fact that 80 percent of female victims of domestic violence have an increased risk of stroke, 70 percent are more likely to develop heart disease, and 70 percent are more likely to abuse alcohol. This means that even those women who are able to get away from their abuser still stand a much higher risk of future problems than women who have never been victims of domestic violence.

According to an article in the Huffington Post:

  • Almost twice as many women were murdered by an ex-male partner between the years of 2001 and 2012 than the number of American troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq during the same time frame.
  • Most victims of domestic violence are women (85 percent), although men can also be victims of domestic violence.
  • Women who have a disability are 40 percent more likely to suffer severe domestic violence than women who have no disability.
  • Across the globe, men who were exposed to domestic violence as a child are three to four times more likely to become a perpetrator of domestic violence as adults than men who were never exposed to domestic violence as a child.
  • Women in the U.S. lose 8,000,000 days of paid work per year due to the abuse perpetrated against them by former or current male partners.
  • When there are firearms in the home, women who have experienced domestic violence from their partner are eight times more likely to be killed.
  • Ninety-eight percent of domestic violence cases include financial abuse as well—their abuser controls the money, therefore the abused person is unable to leave.
  • Black women are 35 percent more likely to be victims of domestic violence than.
  • Domestic Violence in the News Highlights Problems white women.
  • Domestic violence is the third leading cause of homelessness for families in the United States.

Domestic Violence—A Widespread Problem

One domestic violence story in the news occurred just last year when a small, white puppy was found abandoned inside an airport bathroom. The note accompanying the puppy was heartrending, telling a story of domestic abuse and a young woman’s rush to escape her abuser. The puppy was collateral damage. In the note, the woman stated she was in an abusive relationship, and was trying to escape the abuse, but was unable to afford to get her puppy on the flight with her. She went on to say that her ex had kicked their bigger dog when they were together and that he “probably needs a vet.” She pleaded with whoever found the puppy to love him and take good care of him. This is one of many unintended consequences of domestic violence.

Another domestic violence story in the news tells of the death of a Redwood City man who had a restraining order against him, yet ended up threatening his estranged wife with a loaded gun. The man, Robert Eichen, 43, ended up taking his own life, in the parking lot, however when questioned, neighbors say there were “disturbing signs” at the home of the abuser. One neighbor said she had seen Eichen outside in the middle of the night with a gun on more than one occasion. Although the police seized Eichen’s guns following the issuance of the restraining order, Eichen had another gun. He brought that rifle to his ex-wife’s job, then chased her across the parking lot, firing at least one shot at her. When the police arrived, Eichen turned the gun on himself.

Domestic Violence and the State of Mississippi

The state of Mississippi has made changes to strengthen the domestic violence laws in the state, starting in 2007. In 2008, Mississippi changed the definition of “dating relationship” to include former dating relationships, and in 2009, the state increased the maximum time period for a temporary domestic abuse protective order from 10 to 30 days. The two-year statute of limitations was removed on the crime of aggravated domestic violence in 2013, and in 2017, the term “including spousal domestic abuse” was added as grounds for divorce. Further, a testimony of a single, credible witness (including the abused spouse) is now sufficient in the state to establish spousal domestic abuse.

Contact Our Jackson Criminal Defense Lawyers

If you are arrested and charged with a domestic crime in Jackson, Hattiesburg, Meridian, or anywhere in the State of Mississippi, it is important that you understand the seriousness of the situation and the charges against you. There are ways you can fight for your rights and protect your freedom. The best way to do this is to hire an experienced Jackson criminal defense attorney immediately.

At Coxwell & Associates, PLLC, our attorneys believe in fighting aggressively for our clients and we can build a defense that is designed to expose the holes in the prosecution’s case against you. If you are convicted of domestic violence, you could jeopardize your career, your future right to purchase firearms, and even your ability to maintain custody of your children. These are serious charges that should not be taken lightly.

Contact Coxwell & Associates today at (601) 265-7766.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended for general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
