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What Surgical Mesh was Recalled and How to Find Out If You Have It


Hernia meshes have been popular since the 1980s because they help to reduce the rate of hernia recurrence. However, recent research has found meshes to cause more post-surgery complications than the traditional suture method. This has led to several mesh products being recalled and a rise in the number of lawsuits filed against their manufacturers. It’s important you know which mesh was used for your hernia repair so you can keep an eye out for the symptoms. Here’s what surgical mesh was recalled and how to find out if you have it.

What Surgical Mesh was Recalled Recently?

Since 2005, more than 200,000 units have been recalled by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

These are:

  • Bard Davol’s Composix Kugel
  • Ethicon’s Proceed
  • Atrium’s C-QUR

Ethicon and Johnson & Johnson have also voluntarily removed their Physiomesh from the market.

Why Have the Surgical Meshes Been Recalled?

Surgical meshes were designed to support the tissue walls, which will prevent the hernia from recurring. Surgeons were finding that there was a high recurrence rate when they used the traditional suture method. Meshes, however, helped to strengthen the tissue, stopping the organ from protruding again.

But, many patients have experienced adverse side effects as a result of their mesh.

Based on peer-reviewed literature and research analyzed by the FDA, the main complications related to hernia mesh repair are:

  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Mesh adhesion
  • Mesh erosion
  • Organ perforation (usually the bowel wall)
  • Organ obstruction (usually the bowel)
  • Mesh migration
  • Mesh contraction (or shrinkage)

How Can I Find Out Which Mesh I Have?

You should contact your surgeon or hospital to find out which surgical mesh was used to repair your hernia. The hospital will have records of this. It’s important that you know which mesh was used, so you can be on the lookout for any symptoms and are ready to take action if they occur.

Ethicon and Johnson & Johnson’s Physiomesh and Atrium’s C-QUR are two products that have been causing the most controversy.

Ethicon and Johnson & Johnson’s Physiomesh

Physiomesh was recalled in 2016 because research revealed it to have a high rate of corrective surgeries. This mesh is made from a lightweight material, which has led to the product tearing apart more easily. In fact, one report claimed that a surgeon withdrew the mesh from its sterile package and it immediately began to disintegrate. This certainly indicates that Physiomesh isn’t durable enough to withstand the rigors of hernia repair.

Because the mesh is so fragile and prone to tearing, patients have experienced chronic pain when parts of the torn mesh have scratched at their insides or even become stuck to other organs (mesh adhesion). This can then cause that organ to twist or even perforate.

Atrium’s C-QUR

C-QUR has an Omega-3 coating, which is designed to reduce inflammation. However, many patients have suffered from allergic reactions and consequent infections from this.

As well as pain and deep distress, some other examples of C-QUR mesh complications include flu-like symptoms, swelling, and tenderness as the body rejects the mesh. Mesh rejection can lead to the mesh migrating to somewhere else in the body, causing further pain, bowel obstruction, or even perforation.

What Should I Do If I Have a Recalled Surgical Mesh?

There are over 50 different types of hernia mesh products available, and while many haven’t caused any problems, there are several that have. If you have a recalled surgical mesh, it’s important that you prepare to take action – even if you’re not experiencing any symptoms. Many people experience complications years later, rather than weeks or several months after the surgery.

  1. Check your eligibility. There are strict criteria in place for who can file a hernia mesh claim and if your case doesn’t meet them, it’s unlikely that your claim will make it to court. At the moment, lawsuits can only be filed against Ethicon’s Physiomesh or Atrium’s C-QUR. This is why you need to check which mesh has been used for your hernia repair.
  2. Talk to a qualified and experienced attorney. This is the easiest way to find out if you’re eligible. At Coxwell & Associates, we offer free hernia mesh case consultations.
  3. Determine how much damage has been caused by the mesh. This will help the attorney calculate how much compensation you might be able to claim. Consider how much damage the mesh has caused, financially as well as physically. How much has medical care cost? How much time have you had to take off work? How much more time will you need and so, and how much income will you lose?
  4. Find the best hernia mesh attorney for your case. Increase your chances of winning a lawsuit by researching and finding a lawyer who meets your needs.

At Coxwell & Associates, our qualified team of attorneys is experienced in handling personal injury cases, including hernia mesh. We have been helping Mississippians for over 35 years and want to help you find justice. You were offered a solution to your hernia troubles, but instead, you’ve been left with even more problems.

And it’s not just that. There’s evidence to suggest that manufacturers like Ethicon and Atrium were aware of the potential risks of their mesh patches, but continued to market them to the public. Their products may have been recalled, but this decision comes too late for some people.

By talking to our team, you can find out if you’re eligible to start a hernia mesh lawsuit. We provide case reviews and can help receive the compensation you deserve.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended for general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
