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Do I Have Grounds for a 3M Hearing Aid Lawsuit?


Serving in the military comes with its fair share of occupational hazards. Hearing loss and tinnitus may seem minor compared to other injuries you can sustain while in action, but both can have a profound impact on your quality of life. They may also lower your earning capacity and lead to substantial medical bills.

If you have suffered hearing loss or tinnitus after wearing Dual-Ended Combat Arms™ Earplugs, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim.

These earplugs were developed by Aearo Technologies, Inc., which was later acquired by 3M. The U.S. government recently reached a $9.1 million settlement with 3M in a claim that alleged the company was aware the earplugs were defective but failed to disclose the problem.

The settlement gives service members who suffered tinnitus or hearing loss due to the earplugs sufficient grounds to file a tort claim against 3M. You may be entitled to compensation if you:

  • Served in the armed forces between 2003 and 2015;
  • Used military-issued earplugs at some point during your career; and
  • Have been diagnosed with hearing loss or tinnitus and have documentation proving as much.

What Should I Do If I Want to File a Product Liability Claim Against 3M?

If you meet the above criteria, it’s wise to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. A personal injury attorney can evaluate your situation, answer your questions, and help you determine the most strategic way to proceed.

Since 3M is anticipating a considerable number of claims related to the defective earplugs, they are undoubtedly taking steps to minimize the amount of compensation they may have to pay out. You can bet the company’s legal team is well-versed in the statutes and case law pertaining to these claims and will do everything in their power to protect 3M’s interests.

A seasoned personal injury lawyer can help you level the playing field and gather the evidence needed to give your case the best possible chance of success. Your attorney can also help you avoid critical mistakes, calculate your damages, and bring in expert witnesses if necessary.

Besides consulting a lawyer, here are a few more steps you can take to protect your claim:

  • Gather any evidence related to your injury including medical records, healthcare bills, receipts and invoices for equipment to supplement your hearing and lifestyle, and journal entries;
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions; and
  • Don’t mention your case on social media.

Discuss Your Claim with a Product Liability Attorney in Jackson

If you suffered hearing loss or tinnitus while serving in the military and you think defective earplugs may have contributed to your condition, contact Coxwell & Associates. We have been representing Mississippians in complex personal injury cases for more than 35 years.

Our consistently superior results demonstrate our commitment to excellence in every claim we handle. We have recovered nearly $300 million for our clients in successful settlements and verdicts. Call (601) 265-7766 or fill out our Contact Form to schedule a consultation with a product liability lawyer in Jackson.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
