Harrison County, Mississippi
According to the 2010 Census Harrison County has a population of 187,105. It was named for United States President William Henry Harrison. Harrison County has 978.15 square miles of land and water. It has two Judicial Districts; one in Gulfport and one in Biloxi. Gulfport is the second largest city in Mississippi. Interestingly, 9 of the 11 casinos on the coast are in Harrison County, with the majority in the City of Biloxi.
Because of the commercial growth due to the casinos, Harrison County has plenty to offer the visitor or tourist. There is gaming, fishing, boating, night life, quality restaurants, sun bathing, world class golfing, and all the other things people can find along the beach. Here is an interesting tidbit about Harrison County: There is a pond in Harrison County that is home to the endangered Dusky Gopher Frog. The frog is found nowhere else in Mississippi or the world except for this one pond. How about that for living in one place all your life!
Coxwell & Associates has maintained an office in Harrison County for over 18 years. The last permanent address was in Gulfport and was damaged by Katrina. Currently the law firm is using another lawyer's office and clients may visit with attorneys from Coxwell & Associates by appointment only. Coxwell & Associates focus their talents and energy on serious, catastrophic injuries, workers' injuries, dangerous drugs and products, criminal defense, financial fraud, and mortgage problems.
For the convenience of its clients Coxwell & Associates maintains a Gulf Coast telephone number and a toll free number. The attorneys have strategic relationships with several Gulf Coast Attorneys. This allows the client to have an attorney from out of town who is not subject to the pressure of local politics, yet it also allows the attorneys at Coxwell & Associates to use their local contacts to know the full "lay of the land."

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