Internet Pornography Crimes
Internet pornography crimes can involve a variety of different charges. In most cases of illegal internet pornography, there are minor children involved, which means you could be facing extensively serious consequences if convicted.
If you have been convicted of some type of internet pornography crime, in addition to jail time and fines, you can also expect to have the stigma associated with a sex crime impact your day to day life indefinitely. If you or a loved one has been arrested or is being investigated for any type of internet pornography crimes, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney immediately.
Child Pornography on the Internet
Online child pornography has become a huge problem for cities across the nation. As a result, law enforcement agencies are cracking down. In an effort to cast a wide net, it’s possible for police officers and detectives to pull in innocent people along with guilty people, and since these charges are so serious, it’s essential to get in contact with a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible if you have been charged. Child pornography on the internet can consist of photographs, videos, drawings, animations and even computer-generated images. In some cases child pornography can involve an adult that is being depicted as a child. Altering an image to look like a child can also be included in the umbrella of child pornography.
What Is Sexually Explicit Content Online?
Any type of sexually explicit content involving children can be considered child pornography. This includes actual, graphic or simulated sexual intercourse. Additionally, any type of sexually explicit content involving lewd exhibition of genitals to a minor can also be considered sexually explicit content. Finally, any content involving masturbation, sadistic or masochistic abuse or any other form of lewd behavior involving a child, whether actual or simulated, can fall into the category of sexually explicit content.
Search and Seizure of Electronic Evidence
Many people don’t even know they’re under investigation for internet pornography crimes until they’ve been arrested and their computers and other electronic devices have been seized. In most cases, law enforcement authorities will seize all of your computers, tablets and other digital devices. Law enforcement agencies in Mississippi and across the nation are getting more technologically sophisticated. It’s not uncommon to have a computer forensics expert or lab at a police station. If you have been arrested or if law enforcement authorities have confiscated your computer, you need to get in touch with your criminal defense attorney as soon as possible about your case.
The Fear of Looking Guilty
In cases involving minors, sex crimes or internet pornography crimes, we often see people wait to talk to a lawyer. There is a very common and dangerous misconception that if you retain a lawyer or even ask to speak with a lawyer, that you’ll look guilty. Nothing could be further from the truth, and not talking to a lawyer can be seriously detrimental to the outcome of your case. Don’t fall into the fear of looking guilty trap, which might be what interrogators are banking on. Politely and calmly decline to answer any questions until you’ve seen your lawyer. Asking to see a lawyer is never an admission of guilt. In fact, it’s the smartest move you can make after any type of arrest. You need an ally and an advocate to help get the best possible outcome in your particular set of circumstance.
What About Click Bait and Viruses?
A huge fear for many people is getting tricked into clicking on a seemingly kosher or innocuous link and being routed to a nefarious website for child pornography. If you’ve been tricked into visiting a child pornography website, you should not be held criminally responsible. We’ve all had to deal with viruses on our computers from time to time, and nothing is scarier than your home computer being hacked or attacked. If you’re concerned that your computer has been compromised by some type of virus or hacker, you need to let your lawyer know immediately.
When to Call a Criminal Defense Attorney
After any type of arrest involving internet pornography crimes, you need to speak with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible about your case. Don’t fall into the fear of looking guilty trap. Just ask to speak with your attorney and await instructions. An internet pornography conviction can negatively impact your life and the lives of your loved ones long after you’ve served your sentence. The sooner you speak with a defense attorney the better chances you have at a favorable outcome in your case.
If you have been arrested or if a loved one has been arrested for internet pornography crimes, contact the skilled and proven team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (877) 231-1600 for an immediate case consultation.
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