Illegal Gambling Business
Illegal gambling businesses are as old as time. As long as there have been sports, contests, games of chance and games of luck, there have been people making bets on the outcomes. In many cases, these bets are totally harmless and don’t really come under the radar of law enforcement agencies. In spite of that, it’s important to understand that the federal and state government still have very strict rules on gambling, and if you’re caught running an illegal gambling business, you can go to jail. In Mississippi, there are a variety of different types of illegal gambling, so it’s necessary to understand what is and isn’t considered gambling.
What is Gambling?
There are as many different forms and types of gambling as the days are long. Just about any time a bet is being placed and money is being put down, you’ve got gambling. Sure, the federal government might not care about a gentlemen’s bet here or there. They do take illegal gambling businesses very seriously though. If you’re not sure what counts as gambling, listed below are a few different types of illegal gambling. Placing illegal bets on the outcomes of sporting events, games of chance and games of luck are all forms of gambling. Typically, there is a wager involved.
Types of Illegal Gambling
- Placing illegal bets
- Illegal wagering
- Internet gambling
- Possession of gambling records
- Bookmaking
- Illegal gaming
- Bookkeeping
- Running private lotteries
- Offshore betting
- Promoting gambling or gaming
- Possession of illegal gambling devices
- Paying out on video gaming machines
Illegal Gaming in Jackson
Illegal gaming in Jackson is surprisingly not all that uncommon. From sports betting to illegal gaming establishments, there are a variety of different underground and illegal gambling operations going on in the Metro Area. Whether you’ve been accused of running one of these businesses or simply taking part in the gambling, if you’ve been charged, you need to speak with an attorney about your case immediately.

Illegal Gambling Business Lawyers in Jackson
After any kind of criminal charge has been made, it’s a good idea to speak with a criminal defense attorney about your options. Even if you’re under investigation, but no charges have been made yet. It never hurts to talk to a lawyer, and not talking to a lawyer can be seriously detrimental to your case, so the sooner you speak with an attorney, the better. Charges associated with illegal gambling businesses can be devastating for those who are implicated. Even if you don’t get convicted, it can wreak havoc on your life and your future. It’s possible to lose your job, professional licenses and your livelihood.
If you or somebody you love is facing illegal gambling business charges in Jackson or any of the surrounding communities, contactthe experienced and proven team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 265-7766 for an immediate case consultation.
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