Hate Crimes
Hate crimes are typically violent in nature but can involve just about any type of criminal act that involves violence or intimidation that is motivated by prejudice, bias or hate. A variety of violent crimes can fall under the umbrella of hate crime. This can include assaults, battery, murder, threats, vandalism and even robbery or destruction of property. These crimes are different than traditional violent crimes, because they are motivated by prejudice or bias and direction at a person for being part of a particular group or even for just being perceived as being part of a certain group. Since most hate crimes are considered felonies, it’s essential to get in touch with a skilled criminal defense attorney as soon as possible after your arrest.
Crimes Motivated by Bias, Prejudice and Hate
Hate crimes are motivated by bias, prejudice or hate. The victims in these crimes are chosen for belonging to a certain group. These are the types of crimes we hear about when people are singled out or victimized due to their religion or sexual orientation. If a crime is motivated by the color of one’s skin, nationality or immigration status, that could be classified as a hate crime. When a victim is identified, chosen and targeted for being part of a particular social, ethnic, racial, gender or other type of group, that person could be the victim of a violent hate crime. Listed below are just some of the different factors that can be associated with how victims of hate crimes are chosen.
Choosing Victims That Belong to Certain Groups
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Skin color
- Religion
- Ancestry
- Immigration status
- Gender
- Gender identity
- Nationality
- Age
- Disability
- Sexual orientation

Hate Crime Defense Lawyer
If convicted of a hate crime, you could be looking a time in a federal correctional facility, hefty fines, restitution, probation, counseling, loss of professional or driver’s license and a wide variety of other penalties, and that’s just the beginning. You need an attorney on your side who understands the long-term implications of a potential hate crime conviction.
If you or somebody you love has been arrested and charged with any type of hate crime Jackson or in any of the surrounding communities, contact the experienced and proven team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 265-7766 for an immediate case consultation.
CLient Testimonials
"My family will always be indebted to you."
I will always remember your diligence, attention to detail, and knowledge of the law.- Former Client -
"Merrida has always been the most professional and sincere attorney that I have ever met."
I wish more attorneys were like them.- Randy B. -
"Merrida Coxwell you're a good man and you have good associates."
You were made to do what you do. Know that You make a difference in lives for the better.- Will A. -
"BIG THANK YOU! Reginald and I were just discussing how you are an awesome human being."
We are so appreciative for everything you've done for us. We don't know how we would've gotten through this without your help and generosity!- N.B.

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