Insurance Fraud
Insurance fraud isn’t the typical violent crime that most people think of when they think about criminal law. Insurance fraud is considered a form of white-collar crime. This type of crime isn’t violent in nature. Insurance fraud and other types of white-collar crimes are typically associated with fraudulent or forged paperwork as a means of theft or defrauding of a certain company, agency or government office. Depending upon the unique circumstances of your case, you could be facing up to a year in jail or much longer. The amount of monetary damages associated with your insurance fraud charges will determine whether or not you’re facing misdemeanor or felony charges. No matter what type of insurance fraud charges you’re facing, your top priority after an arrest needs to be speaking with an experienced and proven criminal defense attorney.
Types of Insurance Fraud:
- Health insurance fraud
- Life insurance fraud
- Auto insurance fraud
- Homeowners’ insurance fraud
- Personal property insurance fraud
- Social security fraud
- Workers’ compensation fraud
- Medicare fraud
- Medicaid fraud
- Disability fraud
White-Collar Crimes and Insurance Fraud
Insurance fraud and other white-collar crimes are usually known as financial crimes that don’t involve violence. These are typically crimes of deception, forgery or falsification of claims. Just about anybody can be accused of insurance fraud or white-crimes. These charges can impact working class people, middle class families all the way up to doctors or other high-earning professionals. Any time insurance documents are falsified or claims are suspected to be fraudulent, you could be facing insurance fraud charges. Even though these crimes aren’t typically violent, the penalties associated with convictions can be incredibly harsh. The government takes fraud and other types of white-collar crimes very seriously. If convicted, you can expect to have the book thrown at you. The idea that you might have an easy couple of months in a club-like minimum-security facility for millionaires is completely outdated. If you’re under investigation, contact a lawyer immediately.
False Claims, Deception and Forgery
False claims are a common form of insurance fraud. This type of insurance fraud happens when a person files a fraudulent or false claim in an attempt to collect money. Any false information on an insurance claim can land you in hot water. Deception, forgery and false claims can be incriminating evidence in an insurance fraud case. Whether you’re being accused of health insurance fraud or homeowners’ insurance fraud, your first step after an arrest needs to be contact a criminal defense attorney with proven white-collar crime case experience. Because the potential penalties and long-term implications of a conviction can be incredibly damaging to your future and career, early intervention is critical.
Penalties Associated With Insurance Fraud
First, the initial penalties associated with these crimes are similar other criminal charges. If you’re facing misdemeanor charges, you can expect the potential for up to one year in jail and fines. If you’re facing felony charges, you could be facing a much longer sentence in a correctional facility and higher fines. It’s also important to note that you could also be facing additional penalties and punishments associated with insurance fraud charges and other types of white-collar crimes. You could lose professional licenses. You might be forbidden to work in your chosen field. Depending upon the circumstances and details of your case, even after paying your debt to society, you might still be punished. That’s why it’s so important to speak with a lawyer as soon as you’re under investigation or facing any type of insurance fraud charges. Early intervention is essential for ensuring the best possible outcome in your case.
Jackson Insurance Fraud Lawyer
White-collar criminal charges like insurance fraud can leave your professional and home life in pieces. Investigations can be invasive and stressful. If you’re under investigation for insurance fraud, contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately. It doesn’t make you look guilty. You have a right to retain legal representation. Exercise it. Just because these charges aren’t associated with violent crime, that doesn’t mean that you might not be sent to a prison with violent criminals, if convicted. Early intervention as soon as you’re under investigation is the best place to start. Your lawyer can handle the details, stay on top of any investigative developments and help to ensure you get the best possible outcome for your particular situation.
If you or a loved one is facing insurance fraud charges in or around the Jackson Metro Area, contact the skilled and proven Criminal Defense team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 265-7766 for an immediate case consultation.

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