Location: 2101 Airport Road, Suite B, Flowood, MS 39232Judge: Don LelandProsecutor: Rusty FortenberryCourt Clerk: Jennifer ChapinPhone Number: 601-420-3364Mailing Address: 2101 Airport Road, Suite B, Flowood, MS 39232
When Court Meets: Flowood Municipal Court schedules hearings every Thursday, except the fifth Thursday of every month.
Traffic hearings are held at 9:00 a.m.
Initial Appearances & DWLS hearings are held at 10:00 a.m.
Trials are held at 1:00 & 3:00 p.m.
According to the 2010 Census, Flowood has a population of 7,823. The City of Flowood, encompassing 16.3 square miles in Rankin County, is located next to Jackson, Brandon, and the Pearl River. If you are issued a traffic citation or charged with a misdemeanor within the City of Flowood, you will be assigned a court date at the Flowood Municipal Court. Additionally, the Flowood Municipal Court also has jurisdiction over hearings for violations of city ordinances and Initial Appearances for felony charges brought within the City of Flowood.
The Flowood Police Department operates within the city limits of Flowood. If you are arrested by the Flowood Police Department, your hearing will be conducted in the Flowood Municipal Court. The Mississippi Highway Patrol and the Rankin County Sheriff's Office also conduct operations in Flowood.
If you are set to appear in Flowood Municipal Court, and you have questions regarding the date of your court appearance, you may contact the Flowood Municipal Court Clerk, Olivia Edwards. Edwards may be contacted at 601-420-3364. However, you may not ask the Clerk for legal advice or guidance. You may ask the Clerk only for general advice; the Clerk may not offer specific advice concerning pending charges. These questions may only be answered by experienced attorneys. If you need quality legal advice or assistance from highly qualified attorneys, contact the attorneys at Coxwell & Associates today.

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