Car seats are a critical component to child safety in automobiles. Parents often spend a great deal of time making sure they have the perfect car seat for their children. The shopping process can include vast amounts of research and scouring consumer reviews. Nothing is more important than child safety, so car seat performance is essential, whether you are ever in a car accident or not. When car seats fail, children are put at risk for severe, catastrophic or even deadly injuries. After any type of car accident involving a car seat failure, it’s important to speak with a personal injury lawyer about your case. Listed below are some common types of car seat failures.
- Latch comes loose
- Harness breaks
- Adjusters that come loose
- Flammable materials
- Cracks and fractures of plastic shells
Car Seat Failure Involving Defective Latches
Defective latches are one of the scariest potential car seat failures that could happen. When parents latch their children into car seats, they are expecting those latches to hold up under pressure. In the event of a car accident, a latch has to hold, so that a child is kept safely in place. If a latch comes lose, a child can become ejected from the seat or even from the vehicle. If ejection occurs, the injuries are often devastatingly catastrophic or fatal. It’s also important that latches be child proof. No baby should be able to unbuckle a latch. If you notice a latch is coming loose, you need to stop using that car seat. Report the incidents to the manufacturer and to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and get a new car seat.

Injuries to Children During
Car Seat Failure
Unfortunately, where car seat failures are concerned, the stakes can be very high. Car seats are designed to keep children safe, but if they’re defective or faulty, they can actually put children into more danger. Depending upon the severity of the crash and the type of car seat failure involved, your child could be facing temporary, permanent or even fatal injuries. No matter how severe the accident was, it’s always a good idea to speak with a lawyer after a car accident involving a car seat failure.
Defective Car Seats
Car seats are one of the most critical pieces of safety equipment for parents and children. Parents are counting on car seats to perform up to standards, safely and as they’re designed. If car seats fail, they put precious lives at risk for injuries and death. Rather than saving a life or protecting a child, a defective car seat can actually endanger a child. If you suspect your child’s car seat is defective or failed during a collision, you need to contact a personal injury lawyer with proven product liability case experience as soon as possible.
Car Seat Failure Lawyer in Jackson
Car seat failure is something no parent should have to deal with. When car seats fail, children’s lives are put in danger. After a crash involving a suspected car seat failure, always report the incident to the car seat’s manufacturer, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and contact a local personal injury lawyer about your case.
If your child has been injured in a crash involving a car seat failure in or around the Jackson Metro Area, contact the skilled and proven Personal Injury team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLCat (601) 265-7766for a free case consultation today.
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You were made to do what you do. Know that You make a difference in lives for the better.- Will A. -
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