What if You Didn’t Cause the Accident?
If you didn’t cause the accident, it’s still possible to be charged with hit and run. The act of leaving the scene after an accident is often enough to get slapped with a hit and run charge. Even if you’re the one who got hit, you’re required by law to stay on the scene, unless of course, you are transported to the hospital. After any type of collision, with a car, pedestrian, truck, motorcycle or bicycle, you must wait on the scene, whether you caused the accident or not. If you have extenuating circumstances or a compelling reason for leaving the scene, especially if you were a victim or you did not cause the accident, you need to tell your criminal defense lawyer immediately.
Avoid a Hit and Run Charge
- Stop or pullover after an accident.
- Provide identification on the scene.
- Give any assistance or render aid to the best of your abilities.
What if Somebody Got Hurt?
Depending upon the unique circumstances of your particular case, whether or not somebody was injured in the crash could have a serious impact on your potential conviction or penalties. If it was only a case of property damage, you could be looking at less serious penalties or additional charges. If somebody was injured or even killed, and you’ve been charged with hit and run, the stakes are going to be high. If you’re being charged with hit and run in a case involving somebody who got injured or was killed, you need to get with your criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Civil Liability in a Hit and Run Case
In addition to criminal charges involving hit and run, you could also be facing civil liability. This means you could be named in a lawsuit involving the injured party. If somebody was killed, you might be sued for wrongful death. Whether you caused the accident or not, failing to stop and render aid might be proven to be negligence in a civil case. The consequences of a civil case will be added to whatever potential penalties you’re facing, if convicted of a hit and run criminal charge. The best way to stay on top of any potential civil case is to get a experienced and proven criminal defense lawyer on your side, as soon as charges have been filed.
If you or a loved one is facing hit and run charges in the Jackson Metro Area or in any of the surrounding communities, contact the team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 265-7766 for an immediate case consultation.
CLient Testimonials
"My family will always be indebted to you."
I will always remember your diligence, attention to detail, and knowledge of the law.- Former Client -
"Merrida has always been the most professional and sincere attorney that I have ever met."
I wish more attorneys were like them.- Randy B. -
"Merrida Coxwell you're a good man and you have good associates."
You were made to do what you do. Know that You make a difference in lives for the better.- Will A. -
"BIG THANK YOU! Reginald and I were just discussing how you are an awesome human being."
We are so appreciative for everything you've done for us. We don't know how we would've gotten through this without your help and generosity!- N.B.

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