Uterine Rupture in Jackson, MS
A uterine rupture is an immediate and life threatening emergency in the delivery room. Both mother and baby are at risk if a uterine rupture occurs, so it’s essential for doctors to be aware of all warning signs and be ready to act on a moment’s notice if a mother and her baby are in danger. There are a variety of risk factors associated with a potential uterine rupture, so doctors should be ready for any life-threatening issues that could arise in the delivery room. If you suffered from a uterine rupture in the delivery room, you need to contact a personal injury lawyer with birth injury case experience as soon as possible.
Risk Factors for Uterine Rupture
There are some factors that can contribute to a higher likelihood of a uterine rupture during pregnancy or delivery. You and your doctor should have discussed these risk factors and your potential changes of a uterine rupture during delivery. Women who have had C-sections are at a higher risk of having a uterine rupture during delivery. Any type of scarring in the uterus can put you at higher risk for a uterine rupture. If you’ve had a C-section, hysterotomy, previous uterine perforation or myomectomy or metroplasty, you could be at a higher risk for developing a uterine rupture during pregnancy or delivery. Your doctor should have done imaging of scars to determine what they looked like and what their locations were prior to delivery. Their location and size can have an impact on whether or not a woman is at risk for uterine rupture during the delivery of a baby.
VBAC and Uterine Rupture
If a mother is attempting to have a vaginal delivery after a Caesarian (C-section), she is at a higher risk for having a uterine rupture. This is known as VBAC. All potential risks, including uterine rupture, should be thoroughly discussed and understood prior to deciding to attempt a VBAC birth. It’s also important to understand that there is some evidence to show that certain medications associated with induction can also lead to an increased risk of uterine rupture. Many of these commonly used drugs, such as oxytocin and Pitocin, have been suspected to lead to an increased risk in the potential for a uterine rupture during delivery. Very rarely do uterine ruptures occur with no warning, so your doctor should be able to properly monitor mother and baby for any signs of danger during the delivery process.
Signs and Symptoms of Potential Uterine Rupture
- Fetal distress
- Hemorrhage
- Uterus not contracting
- Infant’s head recedes back into mother’s body
- Shock
- Change in fetal heart rate
- Severe and sudden abdominal pain
Confidence in Your Labor and Delivery Team
Every expecting mother wants to have confidence in her labor and delivery team. In nearly all cases involving uterine rupture, there are signs and abnormalities that are measurable and observable by a doctor and the labor and delivery team. If a doctor is negligent, he or she may miss these signs. If these signs are missed, a mother and her baby may not get the immediate and life-saving interventions they so desperately need. If a potential or imminent uterine rupture is suspected or detected, actions need to be taken immediately to protect both mother and baby from potentially long-term and life threatening danger.

Potential Consequences of
Uterine Rupture
Uterine rupture is a life-threatening emergency. A uterine rupture can result in a lack of oxygen to the baby, which can lead to irreversible long-term brain and neurological damage. It can also cause a lack of blood flow to the baby. It poses a severe and imminent risk of hemorrhage and bleeding to the mother. It can contribute to internal injuries within the mother’s abdominal cavity. If not immediately addressed, uterine rupture can lead to death in both mother and baby. This medical emergency requires quick and competent action from a doctor and labor and delivery team. The stakes are high, and the potential consequences are life threatening and potentially long-term for both mom and baby.
Uterine Rupture Lawyer in Jackson
A uterine rupture is a life threatening and terrifying ordeal for a mother and baby. With a competent and trustworthy medical team, both mom and baby can have a safe outcome. If you suspect negligence contributed to your injury during delivery or to your child’s birth injury, you need to speak with a personal injury lawyer immediately. If you or your baby has suffered from the long term and life-threatening consequences of a uterine rupture due to negligence in the delivery room.
Contact the skilled and proven birth injury team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 265-7766 for a free case consultation today.
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