Firing, Changing or Switching Lawyers in the Middle of a Car Accident Case
Firing, changing or switching lawyers mid-case is never fun, but sometimes, it’s a necessity. There are a variety of reasons why you might need to fire your lawyer mid-case. From questions of legal competence to communication issues, firing the wrong lawyer may be critical to your case’s success. You need to have a lawyer that you trust. Your future and your family’s financial stability may be hanging in the balance. If you’re not 100 percent confident in your lawyer’s ability to win your case, it may be time to think about hiring a new lawyer.
It's Your Case
It’s your case. Everything boils down to the attorney client relationship and whether or not you have confidence in your lawyer’s abilities. You have the right to fire a lawyer that’s not working for you. If you don’t have a good feeling about your lawyer, you don’t want to regret not switching halfway through your case because of some minor inconvenience. Many times, you only get one shot at a case. Listed below are a few potential reasons you might need to fire, change or switch your lawyers.
Potential Reasons to Switch Attorneys
- Unfavorable court decision
- Poor working relationship with lawyer
- Disagreement about case issues
- The lawyer’s competence is in question
- Lawyer’s lack of interest in your case
- Poor communication from your attorney
- Questions about your lawyer’s legal ethics or judgment calls
- Lack of confidence in your attorney
- Personal conflict
- Disagreeable attorney’s fees or lawsuit costs
Communication Is Key
One of the most important parts of the attorney client relationship is communication. Like with any relationship, communication is key. If you’re calling your attorney and he or she is never available, that’s a problem. Maybe your lawyer just never returns your calls. Do you have trouble getting your questions addressed and answered? These are all reasons you might want to fire or switch attorneys in the middle of your car accident case. If you don’t know what’s going on in your case or you have trouble understanding the details, you need to start thinking about a new attorney. Not everybody needs to have a warm and friendly relationship with their lawyer, but they do need to be able to communicate effectively.

Moving Forward With Your New Attorney
Your new lawyer can also help you discontinue the attorney client relationship with your previous lawyer. In many cases, it will be necessary to take a look at the contract. There are often times specific procedures that must be followed in order to severe a working relationship with your first lawyer. Your new lawyer will be able to help you and make sure everything goes off smoothly. In most cases, there will need to be a written certified letter letting the old attorney know about the situation.
Getting on With The Case
Although it can seem like a nightmare to have to change, switch or fire your attorney mid-case, when it’s necessary, you just have to get on with it. It’s for the good of your case.
If you’re having trouble with your current attorney and you think it’s time to make a switch, contact the experienced proven team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 265-7766 for an immediate free case consultation today.
CLient Testimonials
"My family will always be indebted to you."
I will always remember your diligence, attention to detail, and knowledge of the law.- Former Client -
"Merrida has always been the most professional and sincere attorney that I have ever met."
I wish more attorneys were like them.- Randy B. -
"Merrida Coxwell you're a good man and you have good associates."
You were made to do what you do. Know that You make a difference in lives for the better.- Will A. -
"BIG THANK YOU! Reginald and I were just discussing how you are an awesome human being."
We are so appreciative for everything you've done for us. We don't know how we would've gotten through this without your help and generosity!- N.B.

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