Spinal Cord Injury in jackson, ms
Spinal cord injuries cause a loss of feeling and/or mobility to different parts of the body. An “incomplete” spinal cord injury will leave the victim with some feeling or movement below the injured area, while a “complete” spinal cord injury results in no feeling or mobility below the injured area. There are between 12,000 and 17,000 new spinal cord injuries annually, and roughly 282,000 victims of spinal cord injuries currently living in the United States.
The average age of 29 in the 1970’s at the time of the spinal cord injury has increased to an average age of 42. Males account for more than 80 percent of new spinal cord injuries, and more than half of those who suffer a spinal cord injury are single at the time of the injury. The lifetime medical costs for those who suffer a spinal cord injury vary significantly ,according to the level of injury (high/low tetraplegia, paraplegia or those with greater motor functions).
Spinal cord injuries are quite often extremely grave, altering the life of the victim as well as the lives of his or her loved ones. The impact of a spinal cord injury spreads to family members due to the manner in which a spinal cord injury affects the victim, who must learn new ways to manage everyday life. The Coxwell & Associates attorneys understand the many challenges facing those with spinal cord injuries. If the spinal cord injury was a result of the negligence of another, we will fight hard to obtain an equitable settlement which will cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Those with a spinal cord injury have suffered enough—the attorneys at Coxwell & Associates will do their best to minimize that suffering, and provide hope for the future.
Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries
Automobile accidents are, overwhelmingly, the cause of spinal cord injuries, followed by falls (30 percent). Violent acts, including assaults with a blunt object, falls resulting from a push, stabbings, gunshot wounds and stabbings, account for almost 15 percent of spinal cord injuries. The fourth leading cause of spinal cord injuries are sports and recreational activities, with diving accidents at the top of the list.
Other sports and recreational activities which can result in a spinal cord injury are snow skiing, horseback riding, accidents on the trampoline, and organized sports such as football, field hockey, soccer, volleyball, pole vaulting and swimming. Medical and surgical complications, pedestrian accidents, and other accidents which are placed in the “unclassified” column account for the remainder of spinal cord injuries.

How an Experienced Jackson, Mississippi Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Can Help
Because a significant number of those with spinal cord injuries require expensive home and vehicle accommodations and may spend the remainder of their life in a wheelchair, the caretaking costs can be astronomical, even when the caretaker(s) are family members. Those who have suffered a spinal cord injury as the result of the negligence of another should be compensated, not only for the medical and rehabilitation expenses, but for lost wages, and other forced changes to their lives.
The Coxwell & Associates attorneys want you to be able to focus your energy on learning how to live your life to the fullest again, rather than worrying about how you will pay for the necessary expenses associated with your injury. Our attorneys have helped many people suffering from a traumatic spinal cord injury resulting from an auto accident or other accident due to the negligence of another. We will work hard to obtain compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering.
Contact our spinal cord injury attorneys in Jackson, Mississippi today.
CLient Testimonials
"My family will always be indebted to you."
I will always remember your diligence, attention to detail, and knowledge of the law.- Former Client -
"Merrida has always been the most professional and sincere attorney that I have ever met."
I wish more attorneys were like them.- Randy B. -
"Merrida Coxwell you're a good man and you have good associates."
You were made to do what you do. Know that You make a difference in lives for the better.- Will A. -
"BIG THANK YOU! Reginald and I were just discussing how you are an awesome human being."
We are so appreciative for everything you've done for us. We don't know how we would've gotten through this without your help and generosity!- N.B.

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